Thursday 28 August 2008

NAGGERS monthly meet.

NAGNAG members met at the NMRS club rooms and as usual was well attended.

Alistair Stannard brought some of his fabulous buses to show.
Alistair and Dave Hagger have taken on a conversion of a Bachmann Hall. This is after last month when it was discovered that the Hall due for surgery was infact not a candidate for such drastic changes, but now a willing victim has stepped forward and is to under go 'a change' or two.

Rob Foot has promised to convert a Heljan Hymek, he was hoping to have it to run this week but, the wheels did not arrive in time, never mind, always next month.
Bernie brought some more of his experimental wagons and conducted some more tests on sprung and rigid chassis. Has to be said the wagons really did look the part, all weathered and looking run down. Those that were sprung performed faultlessly.

Discussion was given to finance and other topics which are detailed on the NAGNAG website.

All in all a very interesting evening, enjoyed by all.
My thanks to everyone that contributed and again to our hosts NMRS. Next meeting 24 September.

Mike Garwood

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