Tuesday 11 March 2008

33s, a 45 and 2 B7s

DRAG last night saw the arrival of Rod's newly acquired and converted green 33/0 (Heljan limited edition from Kernow Models), here seen running light past John Farmer's part-finished 153.

There followed a revenue-earning turn on an unfitted goods piloted by Tim Maddocks' blue 6572.

Mark Bushby's 45xx leads a short WR passenger

Meanwhile, David Mead, Brian Pearce (hidden), John Farmer and David Browne discuss work and progress on board design and construction for TT2, with copperclad timbering laid for one of the B7 crossovers in the foreground.

(One day I'll get the hang of formatting text around pictures in these - it never seems to go where I want!).

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