Thursday 12 July 2007

Area Groups Update (edited extract from P4talk)

I just thought that I would let you all know that I have recently taken on the task of trying to bring the Area Groups section of the Society website up to date.
From the existing information on the Blue Sheet and the website we appear to have 50 Area Groups although it's clear that some are not much more than a one man contact point.
After working my way through the information already available on the site I have classified the groups as follows:
1) No information about the group on the site;
2) Information is time expired and out of date;
3) Limited content or information;
4) Otherwise good but not updated for more than two years
5) Recently updated;
6) Completely up to date.

I have initially attempted to contact the Area Group Organizers for the Areas that have no entry of any kind on the website along with one or two others.
I have now finished tidying up the pages and have added at least a name and link to the Blue Sheet for more info for every group that has no other entry as well as adding the info that I have received so far. See: and

I believe that it is very important for the Society and the service that it provides to its members that the Area Group information on the website is kept fresh and as up to date as possible. I shall continue to attempt to make contact with the Area Group Organizers that I have not spoken with yet as we really need to be providing more information, especially to new members and getting this right will help.

Unfortunately the vast majority of Area Group entries on the website have not been updated for more than two years and more than half of all the Groups have had nothing about themselves published in Scalefour News during the last five years, so any helpful input will be appreciated.

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